

The accommodation includes a breakfast area and living room which are decorated with simple furnishings and attention to detail. We have tried to recreate the atmosphere of good country living.

Each Room has Fly Screens on the windows

Accommodation available: 
4 double bedrooms with bathroom and TV;
(with the possibility of having the entire apartment which occupies the first floor)

There is a shared kitchen for all clients.
There is also:
Dining room - Bar - Swimming Pool - Sun Terrace
Disabled access - Covered Parking - Private Entrance
Separate Restaurant Area.

Please note that for guests with children, the access to all rooms is directly from the private dining area, so you can relax and enjoy your meals.

marchio ospitalita italiana300

AGRITURISMO MONTORSO - Via Bucchiano, 14 - 63020 Monterinaldo (AP) - P.IVA 01512590447

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